One of the benefits of keeping your credit score on track is being able to get good credit credit cards with rewards and lower interest rates. Credit scores are a collection of points based on how well you manage your credit. Events like making a late payment or going over the limit will subtract points from your credit score. Events like making payments on time, simply using your credit cards, and paying off your balance monthly will increase your credit score. Credit scores are then labeled bad, poor, fair, good, or excellent. Typically, a FICO score or 700 or more is considered a good rating. These labels determine what types of cards and benefits you can get. Here are some options for those who are eligible for good credit credit cards.
Capital One No Hassle Miles Rewards Credit Card
This card is only for those with excellent or good credit. For every dollar spent you are given 1.25 points towards your redeemable miles. A great feature about this card is that you can use your miles to fly free to any destination on any airline. As has come to be Capital One’s slogan you will find that there are no black out dates as well as no seat restrictions. Also, you can use the points for any travel expense, not just flying and there is an introductory interest rate of 0%.
American Express Preferred Rewards Gold Card
This card gives rewards in the form of Membership Reward Points. When you sign up and charge $500 in the first 3 months, you will earn 10,000 bonus points. This can be redeemed for a $100 gift card. This card also gives you access to exclusive tickets, sporting events, and concerts. It comes with no pre-set credit limit. This means that your credit limit is determined by your credit habits. Another feature of this card is Purchase Protection which gives you extra protection on the purchases you make.
Discover Student Card
When you are in college, it is a good time to build you credit so that when you start your career or purchase your first home, your credit is already established. The Discover Student Card offers 5% cash back. This cash back is on pre determined purchases such as gasoline, restaurants, and travel. There is a 0% introductory rate which increases to 14.99% after 6 months. This card is design for those who are full-time students in a four year university and who do not have bad credit. However, exceptions can be made for community college students or trade school students.
Citi Forward Card For College Students
This is another card for college students to help them learn to manage credit. For every $1 spent on music, movies, dining out, and books, 5 reward points are given. For every other type of purchase, 1 reward point is given for each $1 spent. With this card, as students pay on time, stay under the credit limit, and make purchases, the interest rate decreases up to 2%. An additional 6,000 bonus points are given when you charge $50 to your card within the first 3 months and 5,000 bonus points for using paperless billing which is an added level of responsibility. For the first 6 months, the interest rate is 0% after which it is raised to 14.24%.
American DreamCard MasterCard
Another card for those with good credit is the American DreamCard MasterCard. This card is truly unique. Every $1 you spend on retail purchases translates into an entry to win a drawing up to $1,000 per purchase. At the end of the month, the points from all the card holders are pooled together and winners are chosen randomly to win cash jackpots. Over $1,000,000 has already been given out through this unique rewards program. The monthly interest rate can range from 14.99% to 21.99% depending on your credit score.
MTV Visa Card From Capital One
Just like the other cards listed, this card is exclusively for those with good credit. The MTV Visa Card gives cardholders 5 points for every $1 spent on entertainment. This can include music, concerts, movies, sporting events, and video game rentals. For every $1 spent at restaurants, fast food places, and coffee shops, 2 points are given. And 1 point is given for every $1 spent on anything else. Every time you pay your bill on time, you get 25 extra bonus points. The introductory rate is 0% for the first 6 months and then it increases to 16.9%.
Which Card Should You Choose?
When you have good credit, you have access to many different types of cards. If you are trying to figure out which card would met your specific spending habits and reward desires, try our free credit card chaser. This will allow you to compare different credit cards so you can see what each one has to offer. Find the credit card for good credit that you need today!
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