Sometimes people do not want a credit card that they can use everywhere. Some people prefer just to get credit cards that can only be used at one store; usually one they shop at often. The Expert Tire credit card offered by the Credit First National Association (CFNA) is a specialty credit card that is accepted at retail locations for Bridgestone Firestone products.
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While having a special store credit card like this one can keep the cardholder from using the card too much in other places, they tend to have much higher interest rates. These high interest credit card rates can quickly cause the cardholder to accumulate too much debt. For information on how to handle credit card debt, the cardholder can find information from websites such as
Terms of the CFNA Expert Tire Credit Card
This credit card has an annual percentage rate of 22.8%. This is much higher than many credit cards on the market today because this is a special store card that can only be used in certain places. There is no separate interest rate for balance transfers and cash advances like with a normal credit card since this card is for purchases only.
If the cardholder has a payment returned, their penalty fee would be $35. If a payment is made late on a card that has a balance less than $100 the fee will be $15. If the card’s balance is more than $100, the credit card late fee will be $35.
Special Deal with the CFNA Expert Tire Credit Card
This credit card offers the cardholder no interest on any purchases if they are paid in full in six months. These purchases have to have a minimum amount of $249. Since this credit card is meant for buying tires for cars and trucks that $249 minimum should not be very hard to reach.
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